Knowledge inside out around the Globe
Knowledge inside out around the Globe As a professional you certainly are aware of the fact that Global business, in the healthcare field, must be ”Glocal”, in order to reach success. The GHN network consists of people with long and international experience, within...
Knowledge inside out around the globe
Knowledge inside out around the globe As a professional you certainly are aware of the fact that Global business, in the healthcare field, must be ”Glocal”, in order to reach success. The keys are being able to analyse and understand the global trends, adopt them to...
E-Book Introduction to GHN
E-Book Introduction to GHN Knowledge inside out around the globe As a professional you certainly are aware of the fact that Global business, in the healthcare eld, must be ”Glocal”, in order to reach success. The keys are being able to analyze and understand the...
GHN – a helping hand when to expand
GHN – a helping hand when to expand pharma& is privately owned company, aiming at satisfying needs for niche, original, Specialty Care products.In our endeavor to reach overseas markets around the world we approached GHN, a small non-bureaucratic organization with...